Talking to you
I stumble
Feeling my head rising into
Evaporated ether
Leaning closer in spirit
If standing upright much the same
Not conscious of heartbeat or breath
Holding a paper cup filled with
Water keeping
Words exchanging
At ease
With new possibility
Lessons arising
Seeping in
To be revisited later?
Annotated and cited
In new times revised
Built upon
Smashed apart
Reworked and made fresh-
Maybe, maybe not-
For now, though
Forgetting place, time, situation, person
Thoughts renewing
Mind elevating with each alternation of
Back and forth
Body and senses erased
I understand myself again
In what is before me
With all that is behind me
And the periphery of all
That lies ahead
Returning with the rhythm of a beat
I’ve never played before
Never heard
Like all rhythms
Initiated by coming home
And leaving home
Traveling and sojourning
Through the manifold regions of reaching
I remember the inexhaustibility of
Love of learning
And learning of